Tuesday, August 12, 2008


she's even cute sleeping...
c'mon folks. donate to the help lorien fund. its way better than donating to tibet, hell those guys are so far away- you can actually see your money in action - results in front of your face. If you like I'll post the results on the blog here.
If i manage to gain weight because of you all the better, cause Im way low on that infernal scale, like 105 lbs soaking wet. help me gain weight. help me buy fattening foods.

Definitely we need to get her fatter-
Look how hot she is with an extra ten pounds-

LETS GET LORIEN FAT! Now thats a cause you can really get behind. Or rather if I had more of a behind, you could... America is all about the fattening foods too. This is both Patriotic AND hilarious. So lend a helping hand and donate to me.

Lorien's Financial Hell

So, as many of you know, and those of you who dont are about to be informed- Ive had a series of terrible situations befall me. From escaping an evil boyfriend to finding that my car had been impounded despite being parked legally (hurray, san francisco!) to medical bills to rent to actually having food for eating. I've been left in a budget black hole.

In case anyone is feeling generous Ive added a paypal button of the right hand side.
Donate to Lorien. Lorien deserves your money for the following reasons:
1. She's really hot! I mean have you SEEN this girl.
2. She's very educated- BA in both Rhetoric & German from UC Berkeley. no small feat, I assure you.
3. She's fallen on hard times, and what's a good american community for if not to help its citizen who've fallen on hard times pick back up so that they may rise to the top once more, like a pheonix from the ashes.
4. I can do a backbend without a spotter.
5. There's a guy on craigslist that wants to pay me to suck on my feet- please save me from having to resort to weird foot guy ( who may actually be a homicidal axe weilding maniac- who know? its craigslist).
6. She's really Hot! -
Seriously people:

The America I know wouldn't let pretty people fall by the wayside,No. We must save the pretty people. Its the American way. Be patriotic people. McCain's for it, Obama's for it, Hell, even Ralph Nader wants you to help Lorien. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for Lorien!
much love,