Sunday, January 18, 2009

Catching Up

So I have a working internet connection AND telephone again. I'm moving up in the world.
I figured I might as well post some less than important catch up photos.
Parade of lights:
this is the most painstaking tedious work all for the 'privilege' of taking a cold ride in the dark. (and people think I'M crazy?!)

These are the display I worked on (only a bit).

This is really the best part about the parade of lights. You have the best view for the fireworks. It was literally ONTOPOF us.

At times I feared we would mistakenly singe the rigging.

And here for shits and giggles is a picture of me all dressed up (on the way to TSO).

Lastly, christmas was a cooking affair for me. In addition to the giant meal I prepared, there was live music. Here are Roxy, Aunt Stephanie and Melissa playing christmas carols.

Thats all for photos for the time being. I am setting up my crackberry to Flickr though, so hopefully that will ensure further photos and potentially (by extention) trivial blogging.

Speaking of, since I spend most of my time these days cleaning, cooking, doing chores and reading, I have little of import to mention. I got myself a sewing machine. I am very excited about that. I have big plans for tshirts. I've also perfected the 'best' playlist ever. Or rather it is almost perfected. I got some new Steven Pinker. This is what I do with eternity.


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