Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sweet November - very fancy.

Today is a perfect November day. It's sunny. The leaves are a plethora of colors. There were even some tourists that came into my backyard to take photos. It's that nice. Yeah.
I'm trying to start befriending the squirrels out here, like Deez, back in Berkeley, so far they're still a bit spooked by me. I blame Roxy with her anti-squirrel rhetoric.

Dad was playing the guitar while Roxy and I ran this morning. We went a total of 7 miles!

Today at Cafe Westway, we're making apple pie from scratch. Well, Roxy is doing most of it. I helped... alittle...
We used this awesome contraption, that looked like a medieval torture device, but peeled, sliced and cored the apples all at once!

AMAZING! It kinda looks like an octopus.

Ok and probably only the grotto kids will get this, but I got some business cards.
very fancy.


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