Thursday, November 20, 2008

Much Ado about Nothing

For someone who has no job and practically nothing to do, I do seem to keep busy. I helped Dad and Roxy's friends with their parade of lights theme. Painstaking tedious work that it was. I also had to scale the column during the squall so that we could lift the chicken wire off the floor. The line had fallen out of the makeshift pulley. They were damn lucky I used to be a gymnast.

Then the squall hit.

I also got to play with Danny's dog before we went to see 007. He looks to me like the dog from As Good As It Gets. You know, ugly adorable.

Mom got me some AWESOME green flowers for my 60 days. They were made out of cabbage or Kohlrabi or something fantastic like that and carved into roses. Very fancy.

I also stopped by the Demeter house before going to the unity club and got to meet a new person! Octavia's baby, Najee was finally born. Gorgeous tiny little boy.

Also, you can see Jess in the background.
Also, I got a lovely gift in the mail. And, goddamn if it's not difficult/frustrating taking pictures of yourself!
I don't like any of them, but I promised, so here they are.

I hope youre happy Mansoor.
I look almost high in one of them. sigh.


Blogger Mandy said...


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