Wednesday, January 21, 2009


makes you do 20 things at once. On the plus side, my books are straightened, the floors in the house are swept and mopped, i added the leaf in my desk table, called the billing dept at my doctor's office and replied to my emails...and it's only noon.
I'm not actually famous, but at least I'm productive.

Tomorrow is my birthday.
I feel old.

Kirsten's cats are amusing.

Also, i wonder how many more people I can get to spread the arete for me? Thanks Andy!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Catching Up

So I have a working internet connection AND telephone again. I'm moving up in the world.
I figured I might as well post some less than important catch up photos.
Parade of lights:
this is the most painstaking tedious work all for the 'privilege' of taking a cold ride in the dark. (and people think I'M crazy?!)

These are the display I worked on (only a bit).

This is really the best part about the parade of lights. You have the best view for the fireworks. It was literally ONTOPOF us.

At times I feared we would mistakenly singe the rigging.

And here for shits and giggles is a picture of me all dressed up (on the way to TSO).

Lastly, christmas was a cooking affair for me. In addition to the giant meal I prepared, there was live music. Here are Roxy, Aunt Stephanie and Melissa playing christmas carols.

Thats all for photos for the time being. I am setting up my crackberry to Flickr though, so hopefully that will ensure further photos and potentially (by extention) trivial blogging.

Speaking of, since I spend most of my time these days cleaning, cooking, doing chores and reading, I have little of import to mention. I got myself a sewing machine. I am very excited about that. I have big plans for tshirts. I've also perfected the 'best' playlist ever. Or rather it is almost perfected. I got some new Steven Pinker. This is what I do with eternity.