Thursday, November 20, 2008

Much Ado about Nothing

For someone who has no job and practically nothing to do, I do seem to keep busy. I helped Dad and Roxy's friends with their parade of lights theme. Painstaking tedious work that it was. I also had to scale the column during the squall so that we could lift the chicken wire off the floor. The line had fallen out of the makeshift pulley. They were damn lucky I used to be a gymnast.

Then the squall hit.

I also got to play with Danny's dog before we went to see 007. He looks to me like the dog from As Good As It Gets. You know, ugly adorable.

Mom got me some AWESOME green flowers for my 60 days. They were made out of cabbage or Kohlrabi or something fantastic like that and carved into roses. Very fancy.

I also stopped by the Demeter house before going to the unity club and got to meet a new person! Octavia's baby, Najee was finally born. Gorgeous tiny little boy.

Also, you can see Jess in the background.
Also, I got a lovely gift in the mail. And, goddamn if it's not difficult/frustrating taking pictures of yourself!
I don't like any of them, but I promised, so here they are.

I hope youre happy Mansoor.
I look almost high in one of them. sigh.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Princess Hat - also Prince

Had fun with Jeff in Baltimore the other day. He's got his own prince in his townhouse. :-)

Met his friend Sean, gave out my card to the coffee girl, to explain why I was buying Jeff's coffee.

Me and Jeff at the coffee shop near his house. I forgot the name already. It starts with Peace and thats a nice thought, so I guess that's good.

Today went out with Nathaniel to price some jeans and a peacoat for him. Found a good one at Banana Republic. Then went downtown to get coffee and Nathaniel and I spent a while in Hats in the Belfry. I got a special present.

Roxy doesn't look happy. Oh well, at least she gets a nice dinner with my Dad. I'm being left home to fend for myself. I think I'll live, what about you?

me and nathaniel. Nathaniel already HAD a hat. Mine is way better though, especially since it came from someone so special.

Also stopped to mail letters to my girls still at Demeter - PUSH IT UP GIRLS if you're reading this! I was so small I had to get out of the car while using the drive up out of town box. I think the PC term is mobile. I'm mobile. maybe pocket-sized. Oh who am I kidding. Just call me 'shorty' at least that can be construed as cute slang.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Caps game

Got to see my first ever live NHL game. Unfortunately no fight. or at least no major ones.

human hockey puck!

Tampa got a sneaky last goal so it ended with 4-2 caps. at least we won i guess. was fun to cheer for blood.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

micah's toy

Sweet November - very fancy.

Today is a perfect November day. It's sunny. The leaves are a plethora of colors. There were even some tourists that came into my backyard to take photos. It's that nice. Yeah.
I'm trying to start befriending the squirrels out here, like Deez, back in Berkeley, so far they're still a bit spooked by me. I blame Roxy with her anti-squirrel rhetoric.

Dad was playing the guitar while Roxy and I ran this morning. We went a total of 7 miles!

Today at Cafe Westway, we're making apple pie from scratch. Well, Roxy is doing most of it. I helped... alittle...
We used this awesome contraption, that looked like a medieval torture device, but peeled, sliced and cored the apples all at once!

AMAZING! It kinda looks like an octopus.

Ok and probably only the grotto kids will get this, but I got some business cards.
very fancy.