Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Protest day

So last week I recieved a mass email to inform employees about an anti-war protest scheduled for day (Wednesday 03/19). I find it particularly ironic that the protesters chose Wednesday for their anti-war protest due to the origin of the name Wednesday. Wednesday, of course, comes from Wodens-day, for the Anglo-saxon god, Woden. Wōden was the name of Odin in Anglo-Saxon polytheism and he represents a later development of a Proto-Germanic deity, Wōdanaz. Being so closely associated with the Wild Hunt, it would seem to me that the protestors, perhaps unwittingly, have depicted themselves as the host of slain warriors. Lead by the mischievous god of wisdom, war, battle and death but also attested as being a god of magic, poetry, prophecy, and victory, the metaphor follows that they are being led to Valhalla. I did not witness them being escorted by the valkyries. Although in their defense, perhaps the logic behind using a U-lock bicycle lock on the front door was to ensure entrance should that gate be the Valgrind--there are some 540 gates in Valhalla, best to be certain you have the right gate.
These disruptions were the subject of a warning email from the higher-ups at my new job.
"The Financial district and the media outlets up the street from us on Battery are expected to be among the targets of the protesters. If this plays out as it did a few years ago in a similar protest, the demonstrators will be painting anti-war graffiti, blocking traffic and attempting to enter targeted buildings with the intent of “hand-cuffing” themselves to the structures. This is expected to be an all-day event."

We were not targeted. 901 Battery, down the street, was, however, targeted. I imagine the reasoning is all of the television and film production that occurs there. The attempt at vandalism was relatively pedestrian, unfortunately. I mean, if you're going to do something, might as well do it right. The vandalism was nowhere near RIGHT. Even within the framework of my germanic paganism, the vandalism falls short of marking the valgrind. Below is the fruits of the protestors labor, piteous as they may be:

and another view of the ever unique and highly persuasive Anarchy symbol...

The poor woman in the doorway had a saw and was attempting to saw the U-lock off the door, thus allowing those inside out and vice-versa. Sadly, it was painfully obvious to me that something much more hard-core was called for. Can you say "Angle-grinder"? In fact, what she needed was this superhero who popped up on an image search for "angle grinder":