Friday, February 15, 2008

Losing the war on leaves

Oren asked me recently what life would be like as an impersistent vegetable. I think it would be much more lackluster and much less busy. At least my life, at present, is interesting. Maybe next vacation I take, I'll be an impersistent vegetable. Unfortunately all my hard work has yielded nothing more than a cornacopiea of depression. The last two jobs I interviewed for turned out to be pyramid schemes. One went so far as to pretend to be OSHA and frighten merchants into buying product x, y or z. Said schemers left me stranded in the mission despite my protests that they drive me back to my car, parked at their "office". All you can do at moments like this is laugh at the world. I found a good reason to laugh today in microsoft's ridiculous attempt to promote their search engine 'live search'.
enter the site and search for 'heroin' or 'cocaine'. You wont regret it.