Wednesday, May 23, 2007


My apologies for the quality of the photos- camera phone was all the fit in my pocket- those pants are great for pole dancing on a thunderdome, but dont allow much "room" for accessories.
That would be the department of spontaneous combustion, which was surrounded by explosives, many somewhat controlled fires and a "fire lounge" for improved observation.

FIGHTS! Violence. Its all about violence and sexy women.


Tesla coil!

Tesla coil with explosions. In case you didnt get it by now... death guild thunderdome is rad! Fire Fights Booze and Women. hell yeah.

sexy women who are also contortionists! hurray for flexibility. I have a video somewheres of the aria sung for us cultured barbarians and the industrial techno belly-dancing but its not up yet so youll have to take my word on that one.

and suspensions. Mason would have gotten a kick out of it. Me, I just kinda stare blankly at stuff like this...its marvelous but Im not sure I completely understand it.

another view to marvel at.

So, yes, a fitting start on the road to bad-ass-itude. Next stop, Bonnaroo!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Only 7 More Months

“Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, and devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad.”
-Snowcrash (Neal Stephenson)

Time to buckle down and do it, eh? Time to give it my all. This is my first objective on that trajectory:


Monday, May 14, 2007

goshdarnit! I IS one

hurray graduation. well... not really. 2 finals down, one to go. then i will be truly graduated.

Last final is tomorrow but I worked out the grading rubric and though it pains me to get anything less than As, if I do not take the final i will get a B. I fully intend to take the final, though, and who knows maybe I will get my A.
After that final tomorrow I will be really graduated. I think Ill buy a cigar and maybe some brandy. :)

I received alot of nice presents to commemorate my achievement. Mom gave me a car, grandma gave me a garnet/diamond ring. Dad gave me an awesome fountain pen and an ipod and everyone went out to dinner at Chez Pannise. Ill add photos of the car on the next post. Ill do a lorien summer bikini car wash post or something. :-P

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Future of America

The Bush Administration's economic plan:

Cloyne is suck

In the best possible way... like horrific beauty.
There are many reasons to love cloyne. This is a valid instantiation of that claim.