Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Victory is Mine

Today at approximately 14:00 hrs, I received all my owed wages from the pit of despair known in the common realm as "The Original Burger Diner". This is, however, a given, as was stated by the Dept of Labor (CA) Wage Division. The victory for the little guy, the underdog,..me.., is that I was given pause to enjoy my ex-boss stumble over his mistakes in front of the government. I watched him be scolded for attempting to cover up not paying me, for purging records, and of course, for the non-payment itself. Moreover, after he was show to be clearly in the wrong, he was forced to offer me penalty payments. He tried low, 300 dollars, 400 dollars, but I knew I was in the right and could demand the full amount and go to a hearing in 4 months (which ex-bossman definitely didnt want because it would ruin his precious vacation). I got over 800 dollars, plus wages, plus unpaid overtime that he attempted to cover up!
I tried the system and the system worked. My case officer, when I thanked her, said its her job to protect the little guy. Sometimes the system seems too overwhelming and righteousness such a far cry. Now, if there were a truly just world, there would be a bright sexy man waiting at Cloyne for me additionally. But I can settle for a mostly just world.


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