Thursday, February 15, 2007


My Dutch HOT chocolate is DAMN recursive!
While finishing a Computer Science assignment this evening I stumbled upon an image I found very familiar (above). Anyone who remembers last summer will recall my brief but ever so intense fascination with the Knights of the Lambda-Calculus, brought on by LISP. It came as quite a shock to me when, feebly attempting to research recursion in everyday life high as a kite on lunatic's cocktail of cough suppressants (I have a cold) and muscle-relaxers (and a back problem... as you may or may not know), I found a picture of the very same canister I have sitting on my bookshelf at this very moment. Spooky! When my delusions of cacao-mancer (and subsequently Epistemicexample-mancer) grandeur faded, I examined the picture on my canister closely and found it to be perfectly identical in style to the KLC buttons (three diminishing copies/references/recursions). No surprise that I found the Droste effect ; a technical term for a this sort of specific picture recursion, which although strictly speaking can go on ad infinitum, is often limited by picture size and our own visual sense. Damn your pathetic human body with its limited range of vision! I want to see ultra-violet! I want to see the microbes that live in my aqueous humor! well... maybe not that, it would be distracting. I do want more recursion though thats for sure.
Until I find more, I suggest you donate to Wikipedia so that I can continue to fill my drug-riddled head with seemingly useless trivia ....huh, that might be a fair assessment of how I earned my degree, well, the rhetoric one anyway. We can discuss later if it also applies to learning a language that 95% of its native speakers also speak flawless English. Trivial, maybe? A digression to end this blogpost, of course.



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