Monday, July 31, 2006

Cat Noises

I am a Calico. Mrrrorrwwww!

Today I also found some awesome hair photos, from when I woke up with a faux-hawk at Alexei's apartment.

Rock to that! Although Ive taken the lip ring out since then.
Another anecdote: There was a bit of enraged name-calling at council tonight. The words "tyrant" and "incorrigible prick" were thrown about. It was a painful council. Most Persona Non Grata proceedings are, however. Regardless of the motivation I am moved to shed some light on the mysteries of manager meeting. I thought hard about how to do this and decided it could be explain rather simply.
This is what manager meetings are like:

Can one still really worry that there is an issue of abuse of power at issue?
To any paranoid individuals of that opinion, I offer the following facts, which should be kept in mind:
1. Summer council has no real power
2. The house is cleaner than ever I have seen it, especially in a summer semester
3. We live in a new age of the USCA: post-chateau. The policies passed by board concerning the roof need to be enforced by someone. Board will look to that managers. What are we to do? We need bad press about as much as we need an outbreak of pink eye (the latter Im afraid we have to deal with at the moment). We dont need another Chateau and the bad press has got neighbors itching for a reason to sue; to think poorly of the coops, like the papers have told them they should. They are wary of us and we need to be wary of them.
4. Your momma
5. Council approves motions to rename the south-pole and force Mike Linsner to do a keg-stand. Council is absurd. CZ is absurd.
What is there left to say? Vote anarcho-royalist, i suppose, and dont fear the reeper.


Blogger Iris said...

(one) I can't believe the roof thing, though it makes sense in a twisted kind of way. Abuse it and lose it.

(two) You took out the lip ring?

(three) Manager meetings look fantastic. Really, those two photos make me miss CZ and want to come home right away. That's the craziness I know and love...

9:04 AM  
Blogger Arete said...

The lip ring had to come out due to complications that involved inferior jewelry gifted to me from Mason. My lip was torn up, basically and drastic measures had to be undertaken to save the lip. I really want to get it re-done however.

11:50 PM  

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