Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Delirium and Pilates

I have been sitting in the basement of Soda Hall since 6:30pm. It is now 6am. The delirium has set it. My code is broken and I have been reduced to the level of you tube.

Micah asked recently after an evaluative difference between Yoga and Pilates. Other than explaining stretching vs. toning I realized a demonstration is necessary. Pilates as a preformance is erotic in an entirely grotesque sort of way. Short of video-taping myself thusly engaged, I have found a very popular music video. I do not know how much exposure it recieved in America, but it was HUGE in Europe while I was living there. (a fact I found more than a tad disturbing).

And with that, dear readers, I return to reading and re-reading the Scheme book. I am confident that although where Computer Science is concerned I have the brain processing power of a zuchinni, my esoteric knowledge will be my saving grace. I know what the vocative case is and how to implement it. I cannot be wholly inept.


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