Monday, July 17, 2006

Tonight I took a quick trip to downtown Berkeley to make use of the ATM at Washington Mutual so that I could pay off my house fees. This is nothing out of the ordinary, mind you. When I approached the ATM I noticed there was something or some things lying about, scattered around the ATM, which is about 20 feet from the enterance to the BART station. I found 5 perfectly scuplted light weight wooden stakes. I immediately snatched one up in my little hand and tested it's craftsmanship, which was stellar I might add. The euphoria and marvel at my discovery soon wore off , however, and I began to wonder about the purpose of 5 perfectly scuplted wooden stakes lying scattered on the ground in downtown Berkeley at 11:00pm. My grip on the stake in my tiny hand grew tighter and I found myself hurried in my withdrawl looking over my shoulder every few seconds, suspicious of any sound or movement. My transaction complete, I ran to the patch of well lit area on the street corner and waited for Lindsay to pick me up.
My heart was beating so quickly and I was sweating when I jumped like a bolt of lightning into the passenger seat. I hadnt thought about how I must look to him, holding the stake white-knuckled just above my shoulder. "What on earth is THAT!" he asked me.
"A stake" I responded curtly, calming myself down.
"Oh" he said, unsurprised, "you should have gotten one for Rachel. You know, she's into all that Buffy shit."
I couldn't respond. All I could muster was frozen blinking. My lack of aplomb was palpable. I mean, could he not see that we were obviously in certain peril, that I SHOULD have grabbed all 5 stakes entirely for our protection and that the mere existence of 5 wooden stakes was clearly the harbinger of knavery; not to be taken as lightly as "buffy shit".
I made it home safely, so far. I still have the stake on me. I'm thinking of crafting a belt for it.


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