Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Life Moves Pretty Fast...

...if you dont stop and look around every once-in-a-while, you might miss Lorien's antics. Or at least that seems to be the tempo of my day-to-day. Hyphens somehow seem more appropriate and useful as seconds tick by in a blur. We have much to discuss, dear readers. The most pressing issue I am told is the haircut. Yes, I have a mohawk. Yes, I got it in Tennessee. Yes, I got it from Mohawks for Clean Energy. Yes, that does mean I let an environmentalist hippie shave my head. No, I am definitely sure that does not make me a hippie by proximity. Environmental activists in the south still drive trucks. They dont have enough hippie stock to infect others...not yet at least.

That is the image I have been urged to post. So now you have it. If you cant graduate without getting a mohawk in the liminal space between university and the "real-world" as it were what is the godddamn point of in-between-ness, if there is such a thing. I will consult the Bergson and DeLeuze later, although now that I think about it...he would consult those same sources to answer the question, but this is certainly a question better asked of Zizek. It sounds like his next book title. If someone asked me if Id bought the new Zizek, "Mohawks and the meaningful nature of the in-between" I would definitely believe that such a thing existed.
maybe it already does.
that would be creepy and wonderful simultaneously.
which would be appropriate considering that things are moving fast enough that on top of eachother is a fair assessment of the pace of my experiences lately- simultaneously. So if someone asks after me... if someone asks you "How is Lorien lately?" you can say honestly and with authority "simultaneously".
I like that.


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